Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why Little Girls Need Daddies

It's been awhile since we've posted anything because we're not so good at this blogging thing. For instance, we have a new bundle of joy we have yet to brag about on here, but first, I wanted to quickly share this short post while I was thinking about it.

Miss Lydia loves to play outside, rain or shine, and today was rain. Lydie was so desperate to go outside, so Brad finally gave in. I waited inside with Lincoln wondering what in the world Brad and Lydie Bug were up to. When Link finally fell asleep, this is what I found:

 Their Rainy Day Masterpiece

 Are moms allowed?

 She was so happy she couldn't hold still for a picture.

For Lydia, the best part is running in out, rain or no, as you can see here.

 Best friends